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Business Writing Handbook


John Trimbos has decades of experience delivering interactive, practical and engaging courses that have helped tens of thousands of professionals to develop essential business skills. The Business Writing Handbook is the product of his experience, providing a comprehensive guide to professional writing in a commercial context. The handbook includes:

• Comprehensive guidance on how to write, structure and present business emails, formal letters, client reports and presentations, web pages, newsletters and meeting notes
• Detailed model examples of the above forms of business correspondence, including illustrations of what not to do
• Advice on how to use visuals and aids to readability most effectively
• An overview of English grammar, spelling and punctuation rules, with a focus on the most common errors made in a business context
• A strategy for improving your writing style to achieve maximum impact and clarity when liaising with clients and colleagues
• Practical tips on effective proof reading and editing in different contexts
• Humorous examples of terrible errors made where people have failed to follow the rules and guidance set out in this handbook

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